
The Castle in the Sand Hotel offers a variety of accommodations in Ocean City including ocean city family apartments. The Castle Cottage Apartments are a group of cottage-style apartments all located within the vicinity of 37th Street. All are in close proximity to the beach and all of the amenities of The Castle in the Sand Hotel. Castle Cottages are affordable accommodations in Ocean City for those looking for an ocean city vacation value.

Due to the uniqueness and variety of our Castle Cottage units, these units must be reserved over the phone. Please call our toll-free number, 1-800-552-7263 to speak with a reservationist so that we can be sure to match your vacation needs with our accommodation types.

Castle Cottages

Castle Cottages are a group of cottage-style apartments located in the vicinity of 37th Street. Each cottage is unique and descriptions are listed below. Check-in time for Cottages and Townhouses is after 4:00 pm. Linens are furnished for beds only. Towels are provided daily. Weekly housekeeping service only.

Wagner Cottage

One block from the beach on 37th Street on the beach side of Coastal Highway

Rented Sunday to Sunday

Castle Beach Cottages

Located 1/2 block from the beach on 38th Street

Rented Saturday to Saturday

Castle Guest House

Located one block from the beach on the corner of Coastal Highway and 37th Street

Rented Sunday to Sunday